7 Key Responsive Web Design (RWD) Basics

If you are creating a responsive website, then it must ad here to the following:

1. Quality 
If your web page can provide high-quality content, then any user can compromise with the site design and advertisements in it. This is the prime reason that the websites with basic design getting huge traffic because of quality content. You should remember that content is the king of the website, so make it informative and engaging. 

2. Simplicity 
When designing a website, the primary goal of a web designer is to make it simple and keep it simple. Generally, users come to your site for their work done instead of enjoying your web design. So, keeping it simple by providing genuine content and necessary images are enough to get the traffic. 

3. User Analysis 
Keep in mind that users don't read, but they can scan. While analyzing a web page, users search for the anchors that guide them through the related content of a page and responsive web design is here to stay for years.

4. Impatient Web Users
As a web designer. you are failed to get your job done if your website doesn't reach the user expectations. Therefore, your company will be in loss. Also, the users will search for alternatives if you keep the cognitive load higher as well as the navigation less intuitive. Apart from this, users always go for the reasonable option. If they believe that particular link may take them to their goal, they will surely click on the link. 

5. Users Intuition & Attention 
Users don't read the information provided most of the times, but they muddle through because they just don't bother. They need something that works well, so you just need to focus on user intuition. Attract the user attention because it is the necessary to drive traffic to your website. Keep attention-getting images and highlight the sentences to make the plain text captivating. Read it : Top 5 Outstanding Elements In Corporate Website Design

6. Ability to Control
Users want to control their browser and depend on the consistent data presentation over the website. Keep in mind that, no users like pop-up ads so it is better not to open links in new browser windows. 

7. Self-explanatory Web-page
Provide users a self-explanatory web page since they want their work to be done easily. Do not raise question marks because they are harder for the users to comprehend how the system works. Also, keep the links easy and perceptible to help users to find their destination. 

Therefore, if you want an outstanding web design with these amazing basic principles, you can contact our web design company.  

Related blog: 5 Reasons On Why Invest In Responsive Web Design

                          Undoubtedly Responsive Web Design Is The Future Of The Websites 


  1. Amazing and impressive post share for the knowing of this 7 key points of responsive web design basics. Thank you very much. ecommerce solution provider in coimbatore | coimbatore ecommerce

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